Wow! A year since my last post?

I can tell you that I have been writing. But most of it has been private. Some of which is on my Patreon but most of it has been in my journal. Here is a short rundown of a few things that have happened in the last year. I’ve created a skillshare class around acrylic painting where I tried to bring my workshops from an in-person experience to a virtual setting. My grandmother has gone off to be with the Lord. My mother became deathly ill and currently, she is in recovery once again. I found out that I have a secondary autoimmune disease - Hyper Aldosteronism and it’s been the cause of my resistant hypertension. I also have Hashimoto’s and sometimes it feels as though I just need a break. My faith has been challenged over and over and over again through this past year but today I am waking up grateful.

Gratitude is something I’ve wanted to practice more in my life and I find that when I can focus on this I can experience my days better. I was bitter for some time in the last two years. I felt as though my prayers were not being answered. But recently I listened to this audio and meditated on the scriptures. It gave me a new sense of hope. A new sense of understanding. I’m still hopeful of positive outcomes and believing in God for miracles.

My mother has had such great Faith throughout the years. Just as well as my grandmother. I’m often reminded that we can't put God in a box, nor can we treat God Like a genie. We also can’t only pray for things we want. We must learn to pray for his kingdom work.

I’m working on being a wonderful mom, and a faithful servant, and using this creativity to cultivate community while sharing my journey of motherhood, wellness, and creativity.

xoxo, Keshna

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